人們藉著不斷地旅行、遷徙及探索,不斷地去尋找自己更適合的地方。就像是隨風而起、逐水草而居的浪漫游牧型思維。 那麼你呢? 是否也在尋找不同的生活方式,作為創作的有機養分?那就來台中吧!你的生活與創作,自由人藝術公寓與435藝術家工作室全包了!
▲ 申請時間:2015年4月15日至5月15日
▲ 進駐時間:2015年6月1日至7月30日,分兩梯次進駐。
▲ 申請條件:國籍不限、性別、年齡不拘,只要你/妳熱愛創作,想要追求不同樣貌的生活與創作結合的方式,皆可報名
▲ 進駐名額:每梯次3名(如為國外藝術家,將評選其中一位補助來台之來回機票)
▲ 計劃內容:收拾簡單的行李及創作所需的物件,來台中體驗不同的創作及生活經驗,藉此計劃尋找新的創作靈感。
▲ 詳情:
- 創作簡(經)歷:請依個人或團體身份,擇一詳填。 請詳述學經歷背景、專業領域、作品介紹。
- 進駐計畫書內容包括:計畫名稱、申請動機、計畫理念、計畫內容、執行方式
- 回饋計畫
▲ 請將申請資料電子檔,寄至residency@freedommen.com
中文申請表 :http://goo.gl/T82Y4c
2015 Nomad Artist Residency Project
Apply now for the next residency working period at Freedom Men Art Apartments in Taichung city, TAIWAN. The residency working period goes from 1st June 2015 to 30th July 2015. Freedom Men Art Apartments is located in a five floors building in Taichung city with various elements. On the other hand, in one of your residency month you will need to do the residency work in 435 art studio, locating in New Taipei city with many artists in different kinds of art field that you could definitely gain a cross-disciplinary experience.
You will get a room without paying any fee for two months, also a chance to get a round trip tickets to Taiwan! (we will choose only 1 artist to provide the free round trip tickets.)
How to Apply
Please write a short work plan and proposal, include an updated CV, contact information, as well as recent documentation and your website address. Send your application to: residency@freedommen.com. We will confirm your application.
Deadline: 15th May, 2015
More info on the website: http://art.freedommen.com/
English regulations: http://goo.gl/LOIK4v
English Application: http://goo.gl/7qf8s3