「 《避難所/ Sanctuary》張智鵬 創作個展 」
Ringo,Cheung Chi-pang Solo Exhibition
展覽日期 Date | 2019.09.13 – 09.30
開幕時間 Opening | 2019.09.13 16:00
展覽地點 | 自由人藝術公寓 Freedom Men Art Apartments
(403 台中市西區五權西五街94巷46號)
展覽簡介 | 藝術家想向觀者展示「聖人」般散著微弱光的俏象繪畫:我們的生命被慾望控制著,受牽制同時是無力的。
《避難所/ Sanctuary》比喻的正是這種被壓倒的狀態。
肖象的重塑可能是從「我」化成的多重投射或分裂,審視並重現出的卑微形相。 當被周遭的所有極度地搖擺和侵害著,而無力掙脫,這種被牽引的狀態其實帶有受傷,脆弱以及不自覺的沈溺。被塗抹糢糊曖味的肖像們無指向性地作為喻體,投放的線條、色相、姿態和符號,描繪在巨大的慾望體系裡,迷失在受牽制的無力感。

藝術家簡介 | 張智鵬 Ringo Cheung Chi-pang
⽣於香港,藝術文學士(繪畫), 澳洲皇家墨爾本理⼯大學。
Bachelor of Arts. (Fine Art), Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.
“ It is like a stream with not water, but a variety of desires.”
Ringo discusses the inner desires of human beings, stimulated by the accumulation of his own heart wrenching personal experiences, reshaping the image through observations and visual transformations. By constantly reviewing and revisiting him”selves”, Ringo seeks to find the most vulnerable and humble form of expression. He focuses on the qualities and possibilities of various media to observe, select, record and reconstruct the psychological conditions of mankind’s existence amidst the giant system of human desires.