■ 展覽地點:上海國際時尚中心
■ 展覽時間:2017.04.29 – 05.07
■ 策展單位:自由人藝術公寓
■ 協辦單位:集人文化藝術、OHMY DESIGN、 框外視覺設計、藝術家工作室
■ 參展藝術家:Alina vergnano(義大利)、Jessica Soueidi (法國)、Cynthia Fusillo(美國)、Elin Bengtsson (瑞典)、杉浦藍(日本)、黄賽峰(中國)、安地羊(台
■ 展覽介紹:如果說過動、注意力不足在社會框架下被歸類為
【Art Hyperactivity Disorder】
■ Venue:Shanghai Fashion Center
■ Exhibition time: 2017.04.29 – 05.07
■ Curator:Freedom Men Art Apartments
■ Co-Organiser:Artogather Arts and culture (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., OHMY DESIGN
■ Artist:Ai Sugiura(Japan), Alina vergnano(Italy), Andy Yen(Taiwan), Cynthia Fusillo(U.S.A), Elin Bengtsson(Swedish), Edney Yang(Taiwan), Kuanzhen Li(Taiwan), Jun-Liang Lin(Taiwan), Jimmy Chang-Yung Gau(Taiwan), Jessica Soueidi(France), Sai-Feng Huang(China), Po Chen(Taiwan), Hao-shin Chang(Taiwan)
■ Exhibition info:If hyperactivity and attention-deficit are regarded as an eccentric behavior under the social framework, what will appearance look like when being hyperactivity in the art?
During the development progress of art, it’s not a difficult thing to find an art creator with highly ingenuity. Artists are so many ideas come out of the blue. The unique and various style on the thinking of works show the diverse characteristic of works unexpectedly. These artists have strong intuition to enter the core of creation by flexible thinking. It not only performs a special vision, but also give the audience a new conversation on arts.