



藝術家許家蓁高中畢業後,即以國際學生的身分生在外求學了十年。 國際學生的生活經驗並不同於居留或移民身分的公民,因此對於自我的身份的認知除了護照給的名稱,在不同的國家文化中生活的經驗影響也重新塑造了對自我的身分認知:世界的公民。許家蓁的創作中,世界主義(Cosmopolitanism) –以世界公民均平等的概念為基礎,成為她新的身分認知。Meskimmon (2011) 提出全球化下的當代公民應該都被考慮為世界公民並且擁有同等的身分與權利。10/5(日)下午三點,藝術家許家蓁將在自由人藝術公寓和大家分享他的求學與創作經驗,同時也提供留學申請的諮詢噢!機會難得!敬邀有興趣的朋友踴躍參加!

藝術家許家蓁提到:「在全球化的當代的生活裡,各國文化的不斷融合混雜(Hybritidy),我的身分不再只有單一的文化,而是產生了新的混種文化身份。文化的多樣,並存在不斷移動的空間理,猶如漂浮在Homi Bhabha (1990) 所提出的第三空間裡(Third Space),在文化多樣的空間理,模糊了我的社會,文化與政治的分界。十年來,不斷的重新自我認知, 並用“第三方”的藝術語言表現在我的創作中,找尋到一個新身分以及文化。」


許家蓁的創作資源是來自生活的色彩和大自然景觀,探討轉換的空間及文化經驗如何建構,並且適應新的生命型式。 創作的過程基於空間上的意識與身分的轉移,運用豐富多彩的幻想與意象的延展性,創作反應個體的混合身分與記憶。

Artist Statement: Chia-Chen Hsu

I had been an international student for ten years. The way of living as an international student was different from immigration, therefore, except the national identity given by my passport, living under different cultures reshape the definition of myself: the citizen of the world/ cosmopolitan. In my practices, cosmopolitanism- means to have equal value of all human kinds and cultures globally and locally.

Meskimmon (2011) motioned that the notion of citizenship in global level should be considered as the citizen of the world and share equal rights and identity.

Living in the contemporary globalized world, cultures in various countries were hybrid with other different cultures. My identity is not just based on a single culture; instead it became a new hybrid one. The diverse culture traveling horizontally in time and space, just like floating in the Third Space from Homi Bhabha (1990). The idea of the Third Space was developed by Homi Bhabha, the third space is a concept of not only new cultural hybrid from more than one cultures or nationality, but cultural diversity identity coexist and traveling in spaces. My work highlights the personal aspects of my hybrid identity and memory that allows me to speak in the ‘third’ language.

In various living spaces, cultural and political experiences, the contemporary living experience cannot be simplified from one location to the other. My practices combined within various painting skills and elements to represent the hybrid textures of life. My painting process engaged both the traditional Chinese
and the Western painting styles. I also collage with various media to represent my multifaceted identity and the new vision and imagination after the hybrid.

The source of my creation came from colors and landscape from my living experience. Exploring the transformation of the shifting space and how the
multi-cultural experience constructs my new perspective of life. Through these paintings, I am searching and making a vivid identity of mine and create artworks to depict this colorful world.


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2014-10-05 16.20.252014-10-05 16.19.14

2014-10-05 16.07.592014-10-05 16.15.15

2014-10-05 16.08.17


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