台北藝術自由日 Taipei Free Art Fair 報名開始 2014/9/30截止



【協辦單位】Art Map Limited 藝術地圖、四三五藝術家工作室




展出日期:2014/11/15  10:00~20:00,11/16  10:00~18:00



展位大小:寬240×深120×高240 cm(無展牆)





徵件簡章:請至活動官網下載 www.freearts.tw


徵件日期:即日起至2014/9/30 下午5:00止。





即日起至9/30 開放報名

2014/9/30 報名截止

2014/10/15 公佈第一階段獲選參展名單

2014/10/31 參展回覆、繳交保證金截止

2014/11/1 公佈正式參展名單

2014/11/14 佈展

2014/11/15 – 11/16 藝術自由日

2014/11/16 公佈活動5名獲獎名單


1. 缺件、逾時或未依規格準備申請資料者,恕不受理申請。

2. 第一階段活動入選名單將於2014/10/15公布於台北藝術自由日官方網站;未獲入選者,將不另行通知。

3. 通過第一階段評選者,需於2014/10/31前回覆通知,並繳交3,000元保證金,確保創作者將展出,本保證金將在確認創作者完成展覽後,於11/16退還。

4. 第一階段未完成通知回覆或保證金繳交者,視同放棄展出,將開放遞補名額;第二階段已繳交保證金而未完成展出者,將不得退還保證金。


About exhibitor registration process, please download the file.


Taipei Free Art Fair


“Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better.”–Albert Camus


We created Taipei Free Art Fair to create a platform without restrictions, promoting artistic freedom. Artists and groups from around the world, creating and interacting freely. Uncovering gems, unleashing potential, a space to be seen. Realize our greatest expectations in a place without limits.

【Event Info】

Dates: 2014/11/15  10:00~20:00,11/16  10:00~18:00

Location: Huashan 1914 Creative Park, 2BCD Warehouse


People or groups of all ages, gender, nationality, medium, and format (visual, performance, etc.) are welcome to apply.

【Exhibition Space Info】

Exhibition Fee: None

Exhibition Space: 240 x 120 x 240cm (no exhibition wall provided)

Equipment: 110v power outlet

Note: Please provide exhibition plan with application (for details, see registration)


【Registration Rules】

Rules: Please download application from official website (www.freearts.tw)

Application: Online only, please send all forms and attachments to twfreearts@gmail.com, E-mail subject “Taipei Free Art Fair Application (Name/Group)”.

Deadline: 5PM, Sep 30, 2014



Stage 1: Organizers will select 200 artists whose works will be displayed at event

Stage 2: A specially selected jury of five professionals from different fields will award 5 Grand Event Prizes

【Grant Award】

Taipei Free Art Fair will select 5 artists to receive the Grand Event Prize and a grant of NT $20,000; media interviews and exhibitions will be arranged.


【Event Timeline】

Today until 9/30 Open application

2014/09/30 Application deadline

2014/10/15 Preliminary screening results announced

2014/10/31 Artist confirmation, security deposit deadline

2014/11/01 Complete artist list announced

2014/11/14 Exhibition Setup

2014/11/15 – 11/16 Taipei Free Art Fair

2014/11/16   5 Grand Event Prizes Awarded



1. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.

2. Preliminary screening results will be available on official website after Oct 15, 2014; rejected entrees will not be specially notified.

3. Accepted applicants must confirm by Oct 31, 2014, and submit NT $3000 security deposit, which will be returned Nov 16, 2014 upon completion of exhibition.

4. Accepted applicants who do not confirm or submit security deposit will be replaced by candidates from waitlist. Security deposit will not be returned to applicants who do not complete exhibition.

※Organizer reserves the right to change event rules at any time, please refer to official website for any clarification.


About exhibitor registration process, please download the file.



English Regulation Download

English Apply From Download


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