展覽資訊 Exhibitions

2021 我不知道要穿什麼|桑拿大可 個展 I Don’t Know What to Wear – Sangna Take Solo Exhibition





In my childhood memories, there are good ones and bad ones. I don’t like my old self. I didn’t have any confidence and I wasn’t a likable child. Therefore, I really liked to play Pokémon when I was little, because the characters inside
will evolve more and more powerful. At that time, I would think if I could gradually evolve more and more confident.

When I grew up, I could feel the people, the things and the environment more clearly. Just like choosing what to wear, sometimes I like simple style, but sometimes I don’t know what I really like. For instance, one minute I said “I
love this clothes!”, the next second I might say “Do I look good on this one?” And then, when I get older, I will realize maybe the one I liked before does not suit me now.

Until now, I am still finding which clothes really suit me, because there are always coming out new collections. So now, I say to myself “Just wear what you like at this moment!” and enjoy the day.


本名孫大可,英文翻譯SUN, Ta ke。我將Sun翻成「桑」,Take 翻成「拿」,再加上名字「大可」就是「桑拿大可」了。「桑拿」有三溫暖的意思。我希望在這繁雜的現今社會,讓充滿壓力的人們可以欣賞到舒服、放鬆的作品,讓這世界還有那麼一點喘息之處。同時,在創作中會加點情慾的元素,讓「桑拿」這個詞增添另一層想像空間。

主要以繪畫人物為主,藉由眼神、穿搭、肢體結合服裝造型,用「桑拿 Sangna」的風格表現繪畫。大部分的作品以電繪、水彩和壓克力顏料呈現,以大膽隨興的筆觸,乾淨利落的構圖,點出整幅畫的細節,彷彿在作品上做了場時尚秀。


Sangna Take

My pseudonym “Sangna Take” comes from the recombination of my full name SUN, Ta-Ke. I translate Sun to “Sang”, and Ta-Ke to “Take.” “Sangna” means sauna in Mandarin. Due to the complexity society nowadays, people live under lots of pressure. The situation in modern centuries inspires me to create the artworks which can make people feel comfortable, relaxed and stress-free, giving them a short break when watching my artworks even if there is just one minute. On the other hand, I add some erotic elements in my artworks to create another aspect of imagination for people. 

I focus on figure painting, and combine with modeling through people’s styling, body movements and the emotion showing in their eyes to create my artwork. Most of the mediums of my artworks are digital painting, watercolor and acrylic with bold stroke and neat composition pointing out the details, as if making a fashion show on my artworks.

I usually collect the fashion styling information on internet to absorb every product of the seasons and browse people’s styling from all over the world. I believe that every fashion brand has its spirit. They are telling different stories through every concept and styling of the season. No matter via internet or interacting with people in reality, when making artworks, through communicating with people makes me have different pictures in my mind. However, the most important thing is to reflect on myself, thinking about the balance between virtual and reality. 

2021「印象大師群像- 反骨世代」,新光三越,高雄,台灣
2021「S/S 2021 Sangna LOOK BOOK」,鬧空間,台北,台灣
2020「我穿得沒有很奇怪 只是你看不懂而已」,好多咖啡,台北,台灣
2018「2014-2018 SANA NA 插畫展」,2730 Café,台北,台灣
2018「疑!現身了插畫個展」,Urban Select,台北,台灣