


分享會時間:2014/06/29 Sun. 15:00
分享會地點:自由人藝術公寓 (台中市五權路594號)
分享藝術家:鄭森雨、Fiona、老屋顏、王念凱、José Fernandes



2014-地層記憶 材質實驗展
2013-地層記憶 服裝創作首次個展
2012-International Shibori Design Exhibition(國際絞缬設計展)
2011-台北魅力國際服裝服飾品牌展(Taipei IN Style)、
第二屆時尚青秀服裝設計大賽 入圍、The Muse&新銳設計師聯合發表秀、
第八屆世界絞缬染織研討會 – 國際學生設計比赛及作品展

遊牧藝術家介紹|Yun Jui(Fiona) Chang
2014 MFA(pending),California Institute of the Arts, CA(expected May 2016)
2014 Photography, Pasadena City College, Pasadena, CA
2011 Art Center at Night, Pasadena, CA
2005 BA, Law, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan
Taichung is not a city I am familiar with in my past life. The
image of Taichung in my mind is built by media like news, websites, magazines and my short trip 8 years ago. I assume
the Taichung image in my mind is not accurate. It is distorted or manipulated by media. I would like to use the
opportunity to know the culture of Taichung and its residents. I am excited to meet with artists who work there
and have conversations with them. This month will also be
the time to prepare my project for the second month of residency in New Taipei City.


2013海安路環境藝術構想徵圖 第一名
2014自由人藝術公寓 「2014 游牧藝術家計畫-Nomad Artist Residency」進駐藝術家


銘傳大學 數位多媒體設計系畢業
2013 董事長樂團-一句話 MV
2013 電影鐵獅玉玲瓏片頭設計
2011 電影10+10 到站停車
2012 電影寶米恰恰
2013 城市的異想世界微電影徵件大賽 白日夢

遊牧藝術家介紹|José Fernandes
2011 – WAKASA , 2011
Creative Documentary, HD, 51 min., production: CRIM
Film financed by ICA, RTP and Japanese Foundation, Tokyo.
Award: Best Cinematography at Indie Lisboa 2011
Festivals and Markets: Premiere at the Competition of the International Film Festival IndieLisboa
2011; Portuguese Documentary Film Festival Panorama 2011; Thessaloniki International Film
Festival DokMarket; DokLeipzig 2012 DokMarket; Panazorean Competition – Açores International
Film Festival, 2013.
2006 – Sombras do Passado (Past Shadows), 2006
Creative Documentary , HDV, 60 min., production: Lusófona University
Award: Best Portuguese Debut at DocLisboa 2006
Festivals: 8th Panorama of Independent Film Makers – T.U.C.TH. Greece 2006; XI Festival Premis
Tirant – Spain, 2010.
2005 – Tudo Vai Acabando (Everything Ends), 2005
Creative Documentary, MiniDV, 28 min., production: Lusófona University
Festivals: Competition Take One 13th Vila do Conde International Film Festival 2005; Portuguese
Documentary Film Festival Panorama 2005; Made in Deca Festival, Aveiro, 2005; Caminhos do
Cinema Português, Coimbra, 2006; Lusovideografia l Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Work Experience and Internships
2011 – Director and Editor of the documentary film “Wakasa” (51 min., HD), CRIM productions.
Lisboa. Portugal.