B1 實驗展場 B1 Experimental Exhibition Space
B1 exhibition, with a total area of about 170 square feet, small independent full performances space; suitable for multimedia, experimental performances, as well as first time exhibitors.
1F 第一展場 The Main Exhibition Space
1F exhibition, with a total floor area of about forty, complete performances space; patio separated from the building body, minutes after the preceding paragraph with. Bright, high-ceilinged space, suitable for large-scale solo exhibition, exhibition, dynamic performances and various cultural events.
2F 第二展場 The Second Exhibition Space
2F exhibition, with a total floor area of about twenty medium-sized independent and complete performances space. Exhibition space quiet discreet, warm, suitable for solo and small group exhibitions, but also for private cultural events Type Post.
2F 教學教室 Classroom and Workshop
課程以藝術、設計領域為主,讓任何對藝術愛好有興趣的人都可以輕鬆參與藝文,不僅促成藝文的社會推廣。另外主題式的工作坊也讓一般大眾感受「親手作」的成就和樂趣。 Art and design classes and workshops are available at Freedom Men. Anyone interested is welcome to join us and enjoy all the hands-on activities. workshop@freedommen.com
3F 駐村工作室 Art Studio & Residency
4F 駐村工作室 Art Studio & Residency
5F 公共空間 Friendship Room
5F 樓頂工作室 Rooftop Studio