駐村計畫 RESIDENCY program

  • 自由人藝術公寓, Freedom Men Art Apartments, 台中, 展演替代空間, 展覽空間, 開放申請, 藝術駐村, 展覽申請, Art, 藝文空間, 畫廊, taiwan, Art residency, art space, 實習計畫
  • 2015 自由人藝術公寓第7屆實習生 x 勤美綠圈圈夏日藝術季
  • 2015 自由人藝術公寓第7屆實習生 x 勤美綠圈圈夏日藝術季


Artists home and abroad are more than welcome to bring an assortment of art projects to join our “urban” artist-in-residence program. Interdepartmental artist-in-residence exchange program is also available for improving the international art interaction.


Freedom Men Art Apartments Residency Apply 自由人藝術公寓駐村申請
空間名稱room style 房價計算方式 一個月 a month 一日租金 a day
雅房 room NT. 5000 NT. 500


1. 自由人藝術公寓目前共有2間雅房工作室,可長、短期進駐申請使用;公寓頂樓為開放式創作空間(約80坪,供創作者共同使用)。
There’s two room&studio in Freedom Men Art Apartments available for short-term and long-term residency applications. The attic of the apartment is an open space for creation (around 264.5 square meters, an co-working space for creators).

2. 藝術公寓備有衛浴設備,房間狀況良好適合居住。
There’s bathroom equipment in the apartment and the room is in good condition for living.

3. 兩間雅房工作室內皆備有冷氣一台(電費另計,一度5元),但無對外窗。
Both rooms are equipped with an air-conditioner but without windows. Electricity bill is not included in the rate, 5 NT dollars/kwh.


1. Fill out this application form
2. Prepare your CV/ Artist Profile, portfolio, other relevant images, audios, videos, magazines, website links and send listed items by e-mail to residency@freedommen.com