■開放時間:週三(Wed.) – 週日(Sun.) 13:00-21:00
■展覽地點:自由人藝術公寓 Freedom Men Art Apartments 台中市五權路 594 號
Cheers mate 的名稱來自於英國常見的口語會話,Cheers美式英文翻譯成乾杯或慶祝,然而在英式英語中其實是謝謝(Thanks)的意思,四個插畫家來自於台灣及北京,看似毫無交集但在英國留學而相遇。美式的翻譯加上英式英語的解釋造就成我們在異地學習及完成學業的一種愉悅式感謝。此外插畫本來就是快樂愉悅之感,故借用Cheers Mate當作此次的展覽名稱。
Cheers mate is the British slang, which means ‘Thanks’. However, compared to American English, the meaning of Cheers mate is totally different. Our exhibitors come from Taiwan and Beijing, but we met in Great Britain. Therefore, we decided to name this special British term ‘Cheers Mate’ as our exhibition. Not only it could represent the English life style but also imply the happiness and pleasure as well as the impression of illustration.
The aim of the exhibition is that we would like to introduce British education in Illustration field and share the experience about studying overseas and reveal what the differences between western and eastern countries. During the show, we would display sketchbooks, journals and drafts in public, which could let people realize each illustrator’s unique approach and technic.
[ 張亮 ]
Hip hop和漫畫或插畫是兩個完全不同的領域,但它们卻有著某種強烈的關聯。比如,漫畫裡的超级英雄們有著不同的超能力,正如說唱歌手,他們在強大自己的同時帶給世人能量、動力與靈感。再者,像說唱歌手Nicki Minaj和Busta Rhymes誇張式的表演, 就如同漫畫中的超级英雄,给人以不一樣的美感,或暴力,或純粹。有一點尤為重要,那就是它們都是敘述性的作品。
[ Pam Pam Liu ]
[ 喇叭吮 ]
[ Fly Chen ]
啟蒙Fly Chen藝術家如Allen Jones, Keith Haring, Yuko Shimizu and Tom Wesslmann等,讓他的作品偏向表達自我的超現實風格。從自我學習發展出具有強烈及對比性象徵自己的獨特色調。
[ 張亮 ]
張亮,Zhang Liang (Ray),1988年出生,插畫師,現生活和工作於北京及倫敦,2007年至2008年就讀於中央美術學院,獲一等獎獎學金,之後在英國格拉斯哥藝術學院完成插畫的學士和碩士學位,師從英國著名木偶藝術大師John M. Blundall。
收藏歐美插畫、漫畫書和獨立出版物2000餘本。張亮合作過的客户包括Anorak Magazine, The World Through Wooden Eyes和Valley Cruise Press等,作品曾在Ape on the Moon, Illustration Age等網站刊登,2013年曾在英國Glasgow的Urban Outfitters舉辦個展。
Zhang Liang (Ray), born in 1988. Graduated from Glasgow School of Art with his masters in Illustration in 2012, after having completed his undergraduate degree too. Ray was a student of renowned English puppet master John M. Blundall.
Ray lives and works in Beijing and London as a freelance illustrator now. He creates images for a variety of applications, including editorial illustrations, graphics for branding, publications, printed editions and more for a wide range of clients including Anorak Magazine, The World Through Wooden Eyes and Valley Cruise Press.
WeChat: zhangliang513903
Email: zhangyixian221323@hotmail.com
Website: www.zhangliangray.com
Instagram: Zhang Liang (Ray)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ZhangLiangRay/?ref=hl
[ Pam Pam Liu ]
Pam Pam Liu 是台灣的插畫家、獨立漫畫家和音樂家。2009年畢業於實踐大學媒體傳達設計學系,2013年畢業於倫敦中央聖馬丁MA Communication Design
Pam Pam Liu is a freelance illustrator, underground comic artist and a musician from Taiwan. She finished BFA degree in Shih Chien University in 2009 and graduated from Central Saint Martins MA Communication Design in 2013.
She is inspired by the relationships between people, music, manga, movies and novels.
Facebook: 過去 x 未來 多提無用
[ 喇叭吮 ]
喇叭創作來自於旅行,遊走在歐美各大博物館和插畫藝術節,在倫敦求學期間依照英式教育累積了不少sketchbook和journal。由於不斷蒐集平面與插畫相關印刷作品及獨立出版物,於2016年三月在台北成立了特殊印刷Risograph工作室Shampoo Press (珊璞) 致力於Risograph推廣及出版。
Laba is an illustrator and graphic designer in Taiwan currently. In 2009, he graduated from National Taiwan Normal University department of fine arts, division of design section BFA. Also, he won the full-time scholarship from Taiwan Ministry of Education in 2012. During the period of sponsorship from 2013 to 2015, Laba accomplished MA illustration in University of the arts London, United Kingdom.
In terms of Laba’s illustration work, he tents to grasp the inspiration from traveling, art fairs, museums and exhibitions across Europe and America. With British education, Laba was taught that sketchbook and journal are the primary resource for the professional illustrator. Therefore, he started to follow this approach for recording feeling and personal feedback. In March 2016, he established the Risograph publishing studio – Shampoo press in Taipei, Taiwan.
Facebook: 8la888
[ Fly Chen ]
Fly Chen 來自於中國北京,目前就讀於倫敦藝術大學視覺傳達系主修插畫學士專業,在倫敦就學期間參與了許多插畫聯展及個展,並於2016年贏得First Place of Young Designer Print Competition London首獎插畫作品被印制於皮件販售。
對比的色調及強烈飽和的顏色是Fly Chen 常用的插畫表現方式,多色的塗鴉感及嘉年華的氣氛是最可以表達Fly 的熱情的內心世界,近期的插畫作品靈感多為個人對於文化的衝擊及反思。
Fly Chen’s artworks are distinguishable by a strong contrasting colour palette, evocative of pop carnivals and graffiti that are both individually liberating and essentially personal. Always coming from a self-referential approach, his artworks celebrate the emotional exuberance of displacement and has cultural shock voiced upon sensual surfaces.
Fly has a great love for modern art and in particular pop art. He is drawn in by the strong contrasting colour palette in pop art works and has seen this influence his own colourful style of drawing. He is constantly observing the world and life around him, looking for those flashes of colour that so attract and stand out to him.