【Breaking the Silence│龔正荇個展】


【Breaking the Silence│龔正荇個展】

展覽時間 Exhibition Time | 2016/04/28 – 2016/05/14
開放時間|週三(WED.)-週日(SUN.) 13:00~21:00
地點 Place | 自由人藝術公寓 Freedom Men Art Apartments


從2013年開始接觸版畫, 並以此作為主要創作媒材。作品常呈現安靜的狀態。在每張作品中, 樹人擔當相當重要而往往容易被忽略的角色, 一個「我」的出現, 一個無時無刻都可隠藏的狀態。Breaking the Silence 意味著的, 不是我打破了這世界的沉默, 也並非表示與眾不同, 而是我打破了自身的沉默。創作開始從自身出發, 一些兒時, 或是一直不敢說出的話, 不敢去觸碰的事情, 我開始突破了。

I started approaching printmaking since 2013 and this has been my media to work with till now. In most of my work, there is a presence of a tree man which indicates the presence of me. Breaking the silence,refers to how I am starting to speak up about words that I never would have. Which does not refer to breaking the silence of the world or standing out from the crowd. I start speaking up for myself, words that I never was brave enough to speak up, parts of me that I always avoid reaching.


每件作品, 都是對著一件事件的回億與想像。對於每一件在過往發生過的事, 我們也許有一刻都抱著, 「要是這樣, 會怎麼樣呢?」 從切割版畫, 要是把版畫破壞掉會如何, 有沒有更有趣的呈現方式等。在香港雨傘運動發生期間, 我身處美國, 感受到的, 是懷念家鄉的感覺, 想像著若我現場, 我會以什麼的角色與角度切入事件。在母親逝去後, 剩下的是對母親的想像。對於母親的不了解, 從父親的書去重新認識母親, 甚至有著想像。對我來說, 總能把缺乏的空洞補上。

Every piece in this exhibition were about memories and imagination. Through everything that ever happened, we might have a moment thinking, “What if?” Through cutting out prints and exploring different ways to make things more interesting. I was situated in US during the incident of umbrella movement, and what I felt is how much home actually meant to me. I imagined where and how I would situated myself if I was present at the incident. And After the death of my mother, what was left were imaginations about her. I tried to visualize and imagine how things would be and become, read how my mother was in the book written by my father, and even envision how she would be. Imagination always helps me to gets to where I couldn’t reach to.


藝術家簡歷/ 龔正荇


2015  Breaking the Silence, This and That畫廊, 懷俄明大學, 懷俄明, 美國。


2015  「角落藝術節」, 東華大學, 花蓮, 台灣。
2015 「第7屆版畫聯展」, 密西根大學, 密西根, 美國。

2015 「第四十屆藝術展」, 懷俄明大學藝術博物館, 懷俄明, 美國。

2014「轉」, 藝托邦, 花蓮, 台灣。

2013  「異靈舞集」, 國立東華大學藝術空間, 花蓮, 台灣。

2013 「荼蘼」, 國立東華大學秋季美展, 花蓮, 台灣。

2013「深春」, 國立東華大學春季美展, 花蓮, 台灣。


2015 得獎, 第四十屆藝術展, 懷俄明大學, 懷俄明, 美國。
2014 第一名, 國立東華大學秋季美展, 花蓮, 台灣。

2013 佳作, 國立東華大學秋季美展, 花蓮, 台灣。

2013 入圍, 國立東華大學春季美展, 花蓮, 台灣。


2015  Poverty, 懷俄明大學,懷俄明,美國。

出版 – 插圖
2015《傘綠未圓》, 2015年9月, 香港基督徒學會出版。

Solo Exhibition 

2015  Breaking the Silence, Solo Exhibition, THIS and THAT Gallery, University of Wyoming, Wyoming, US

Group Exhibition 

2016  Corner Art, National Dong Hwa University of Taiwan, Taiwan

2015  National Undergraduate Print Exchange & Exhibition 2015,

2015  Group Exhibition, The Central Michigan University Print Club, Michigan, USA

2015  Group Exhibition, Student Juried Show, University of Wyoming Art Museum, Laramie, Wyoming, USA
2015  Change, Group Exibition, Artobia Art Gallery, Hualien City,Taiwan

2014  Late Spring, Group Exhibition, Student Juried Exhibition,National Dong Hwa University Art Gallery, Hualien, Taiwan

2014  Rosa Rubus, Group Exhibition, Student Juried Exhibition,National Dong Hwa University Art Gallery, Hualien, Taiwan


2015  Purchase Award, Student Juried Show, University of Wyoming, US

2014  First Place, Student Juried Exhibition, National Dong Hwa  University, Hualien, Taiwan

2013  Honorable mention, Student Juried Exhibition, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan

2013  Runner-up, Art Competition, National Dong Hwa  University, Hualien, Taiwan


2015  Poverty, University of Wyoming, Wyoming, USA