《陷落當下的恐慌》七人聯展 Present Dump – Seven People Group Exhibition


開放時間:13:00-21:00 ( 週 三 至 週 日 )
開幕去外面吃飯:10/24(六)19:00 (附近吃飯)
展覽地點:台中自由人藝術公寓 (台中市五權路594號)



如果策劃一檔展覽,它在最前端。並非是透過很明確的一組佈局,或者很清晰的論述或目的。如果說;他只是一股緣份命運的集合,那它會像甚麼呢? 或許它是一直在變動中的。去年夏天有個機會之下,認識了自由人公寓,巧,〝自由〞正是我追尋的價值。他們給我一個展覽的機會,我心裡一直想一直想一直想一直想,要如何去展,其間閃過非常多樣多種的展覽,但都是去預想結果然後再反向思考回來,以這種線路躊躇著,也有想過自己來辦個展,後來想想何不注意命運這件事。直到有一次,在一位老師家裡認識了一位同學……



召集人: 蒲帥成,黃湘貽
展出創作者: 李奎壁,姜名駿,溫馨,陳冠穎,柯姿安,吳尚洋

蒲帥成個人簡歷 :


2011  台北藝術大學新媒體藝術研究所碩士
2009  台北藝術大學美術創作學士。


2015    秘密的總和ll- 意識的蛇,台南新藝獎,新光三越小西門微藝廊。
2014    誠品Art Studio- 秘密的總和,誠品信義店。
2012    VT非常廟藝文空間VT Art salon 非常徵件首獎 秘密平面-蒲帥成個展
2012    秘密平面 超速先知 個展, 435藝文特區。


2015    6~8月 獲文化部補助  埃貢.席勒藝術中心


2015    《巴西電子語言藝術節》Anima+,聖保羅,巴西。
2015    《WRO波蘭媒體藝術雙年展》,獲國藝會國際文交流補助,樂斯拉夫,波蘭。
2015    《德國科隆錄像藝術節》,科隆,德國。
2015    《科技藝術展覽室OPEN DAY》,藝術與科技中心,台北,台灣。
2014    《家庭摩擦》聯展,獲奧地利政府補助,林茲,奧地利。
2014    《運動之後-穆勒咖啡之夜》,關渡美術館,台北,台灣。
2014    《曖曖幽微光》,萬菓藝術,台北,台灣。
2014    《法國馬賽錄像藝術節》,馬賽,法國。
2014    《德國科隆錄像藝術節》,科隆,德國。
2014    《台灣報到》-2014台灣美術雙年展,國立台灣美術館,台北,台灣。
2013    《巴西電子語言藝術節》,聖保羅,巴西。
2013    《Cutlog NY 錄像藝術展》,紐約,美國。
2012    《德國科隆錄像藝術節》,科隆,德國。
2012    《Tokyo Frontline》, 3331 Arts Chiyoda , 東京 , 日本。
2011    《超旅程 2012未來媒體藝術節》,關渡美術館,台北,台灣。
2011    《Art Taipei Mit新人推薦區》,台北藝術博覽會,台北世貿一館,台北,台灣。
2011    《嫩天堂》,非常廟藝文空間VT Art salon,台北,台灣。
2011    《流感疲勞 FLU-FATIGUE video screening》,
台北當代藝術中心Taipei Contemporary Art Center,台北,台灣。
2011     複合媒體裝置藝術作品,《我的拼湊家庭》電影美術,台北電影節。台北,台灣。


2015  《全國美術展新媒體藝術類》,銀獎,台中,台灣。
2015  《英國Black Swan 藝術獎》,入選,佛洛姆,英國。
2014  《獲Art Pension Trust 收購作品》,觀密室。
2012  《秘密平面》個展獲國家藝術基金會展覽補助。
2012  《VT非常廟藝文空間VT Art salon》,非常徵件,首獎,台北,台灣。
2011   台北數位藝術節-《越域》,數位音像類,首獎,台北,台灣。
2011  《新北市創作新人獎》,優選,台北,台灣。
2011   作品《Still Here》,獲選國美館青年藝術家典藏計畫,台北,台灣。
2011  《第九屆桃源創作獎》,首獎,桃園,台灣。
2010  《世安美學獎》-造型藝術類,台北,台灣。
2010  《第八屆桃源創作獎》,優選,桃園,台灣。

溫馨個人簡歷 :

學歷 : 國立臺北藝術大學美術系畢業,目前就讀國立臺北藝術大學新媒體研究所


2013獲選-關渡美術館 /新媒體卓越獎



李奎壁個人簡歷 :


台北藝術大學美創所  複合媒體組就讀中





陳冠穎個人簡歷 :


2014  國立高雄師範大學,美術系,碩士
2011  臺北市立教育大學(今臺北市立大學),視覺藝術系,學士




《綻紅》,Galerie f&f,台北,台灣
《REPERCUSSION》,golden thread gallery,貝爾法斯特,北愛爾蘭
《超新星》,Galerie f&f,台北,台灣
《About you & me:藝術家維持著煩惱─兩岸青年藝術家交流展》,116藝術中心,高雄

2014 《台灣雙年展徵件》,入選,國立台灣美術館,台中,台灣
2013 《新北市創作新人獎》,入選,高雄市立美術館,高雄,台灣

2015 《伙炭工作室駐村》,火炭華樂工業大廈,香港,中國
2013 《兩岸交換生》,華中師範大學,武漢,中國

吳尚洋個人簡歷 :

1992 生於台北
2011 畢業於中正高中美術班
2013 關渡美術館實習
2015 畢業於國立台北藝術大學美術系 繪媒組
目前就讀於國立台北藝術大學美創所 複媒組


2014 《影像的縫隙》吳尚洋個展,八又二分之一空間,台北


2015 《七十一號》十八人聯展,寶藏巖國際藝術村,台北
2015 《視而不見──仙渡莊計畫》仙渡莊旅社305號房,台北關渡
2015 《前進曠野 Into The Wild》台北藝術大學第30屆美術學系畢業展,白色廢棄建築,新北紅樹林
2015 《藝術新聲》十校畢業生推薦展,大墩文化中心,台中
2014 《成果發表會》台北藝術大學美術學系第28屆系展,地下美術館,台北
2013 《北緯25度13分373秒 東經121度47分1917秒》台北藝術大學美術學系第27屆系展,地下美術館,台北
2013 《愛人 lsland》台北藝術大學美術學系100級班展,地下美術館,台北

姜名駿個人簡歷 :



2014-  國立臺北藝術大學 美術創作研究所
2009-2004  國立臺北藝術大學 美術學系


2015 《我們哪時才有第一部國產車》關係工作室/台北
2015 《大展》關係工作室/台北
2014 《藝術自由日》藝術家徵件展/台北
2013 《莫比迪克MOBYDICK》伊日美學生活台南空間藝術家聯展/台南
2012 《超級作功:位移零》國立台北藝術大學第28屆美術學系畢業展/台北
2012 《e04》國立台北藝術大學美術學系第26屆系展/台北


2015  財團法人三芝文化基金會特別助理
2014  關係工作室主持人

柯姿安個人簡歷 :



2008-2012 台北藝術大學美術創作所
2004-2008 實踐大學國貿系&輔系 資訊模擬與設計系


2014.12 「藝術自由日」聯展,台北華山藝文中心
2014.12 「超完美工作機器人」行為藝術表演&講座,受邀鹿港囝仔文化事業,鹿港桂花巷藝術村
2012 「Flow」個展,台北藝術大學,二樓水墨畫廊
2011 「百年好合」個展,台北藝術大學,八又二分之一空間


If curator planned an exhibition from the beginning not through a completely plan or clear target but “fate”, what the exhibition will be looked like? Maybe it will immerse in a continuously fluctuating circumstance. The story began in the summer last year. I got an opportunity to do a show in Freedom Men Art Apartments in Taichung city. What a coincident! The concept of my work exactly is the freedom. However, I am starting to wonder what I want to exhibit in this space. I keep dealing with on this subject for a long period of time. I think……and think…………….and think…… Actually, I couldn’t figure out a clear layout for this show, conversely, I steep in a blur and dark puzzle. Ordinarily, I use to think the consequence then obvert it to make the concept clear. Terribly, the method of thought makes the whole thing goes very boring. Breaking the structure of the exhibition become the mainstream of my mind, hence, I survey my present time figuring out other hidden structure which is “fortune”. If the curator collected art pieces through ineffable fortune in a period of time what pieces will be collected in the exhibition? I started to find the artist who just emerged in my life in a short term……… Until one time, I found an artist in a professor office then I ask her if her wanted to joint this show………
The audiences could use my installation to survey this room……

|Artist Introduction|

PU, Shuai cheng

Academic record

2009-2012 Master of Art, Dept. of New Media Art, Taipei National University of Art.
2005-2009 Bachelor of Art, Dept. of Art, Taipei National University of Art.


2015  June ~ August  Egon Schiele Art Centrum

Solo Exhibition

2015  The Sum of Secret ll- The Snake in Mind, Hsiao Ximen Gallery Tainan, Taiwan.
2014  The Sum of Secret, Elite book store Art studio, Taipei, Taiwan.
2012  Mystic Plane, VT Art salon, Taipei, Taiwan.

Group Exhibition
2015 ELECTRONIC LANGUAGE INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL,File anima+ exihibition sellected, São Paulo, Brazil.
2015 ArtvideoKOELN – Audiovisual Experiences 01, Germany.
2015 WRO 2015 TEST EXPOSURE, Wrocław, Poland.
2015 Center for Art and Technology OPEN DAY TNUA, Taipei, Taiwan.
2014 BLACK SWAN Art Prize, Frome, England.
2014 Transcape Home Friction, Tabakfabrik, Linz, Austria.
2014 Instants Vidéo Numériques et poétiques, Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille, France.
2014 Cologne Art & Animation Festival, Germany.
2014 ài ài: an ambiguous time, Wingrow Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan.
2014 POST- movements:Nights of Café Müller, Kuandu museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, Taiwan.
2014 YES TAIWAN – Taiwan Biennial, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan.
2013 ELECTRONIC LANGUAGE INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL (Screening) , FIESP Cultural Centre, São Paulo, Brazil.
2013 Cutlog NY, New York, America.
2013 Home F(r)ictions, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
2012 Animate COLOGNE – Cologne Art & Animation Festival, Germany.
2012 Tokyo Frontline, 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan.
2012 Transjourney – 2012 Future Media Festival, Taipei, Taiwan.
2011 Nintender, VT Art salon, Taipei, Taiwan.
2011 Art Taipei Made in Taiwan Young Artist Discovery , Taipei, Taiwan.
2011 FLU-FATIGUE video screening Exhibition, Taipei Contemporary Art Center , Taipei, Taiwan.
2011 Installation Art of Multimedia, My Transformed Family, Taipei Film Festival ,Taipei,Taiwan.
2010 King Car Education Foundation Condensation and Differentiation Exhibition,Taipei,Taiwan.


2015 ROC National Art Exhibition, New Media Art Category, Silver Prize, Taichung, Taiwan.
2014 The piece《Starring into a Chamber》, Art Pension Trust collected.
2014 The 9th Digital Art Festival Taipei Digital video, selected.
2013 ROC National Art Exhibition–Selected Works in New Media Art Category.
2012 The Funding of National Culture and Arts Foundation solo exhibition 120000NT.
2011 The 6th Digital Art Festival Taipei Digital video, First Prize.
2011 The Arising Artist Award of New Taipei City in Year 2011- Runners-up.
2011 ROC National Art Exhibition–Selected Works in New Media Art Category.
2011 National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art Young Artist Collection.
2011 The 9th Annual Taoyuan Creation Award First Prize.
2010 S-An Cultural Foundation Award.
2010 The 8th Annual Taoyuan Creation Award Runners-up.

Wen Hsing

Graduate from Taipei National University of the Arts, Department of Fine Arts
Studying at Taipei National University of the Arts, New Media Art


2014, the Award of 12th Taoyuan Contemporary Award
2013, the Excellence Award of Kuandu Fine Arts Museum /New Media Art

Group Exhibition

2015, Your Closed Eyes My extinction, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
2015 – Coexist, FreeS Art Space
2014, FreeS , Artist Fair
2012 Busan International Video Art Festival
2012 The New View of Video Art in Taiwan, the Chinese University of Hong Kong


Academic record

2013-  Master of Fine Arts, Dept. of Fine Arts, Taipei National University of Art.
2009-2013 Bachelor of Fine Arts, Dept. of Sculpture, National Taiwan University of Arts

Solo Exhibition

2015  Relationship studio project part 1“When can we have the ability to produce our very first domestic car on our own?”,Taipei,Taiwan

Group Exhibition

2014 Taipei Free Art Fair,Taipei,Taiwan
2013 Exhibition for Freshman of MFA Program, Taipei,Taiwan
2013 Balzac,vu d’ailleurs, maison de balzac,Paris, France

Chen Kuan-Ying

Born in 1989, Keelung, Taiwan.
Lives in Taipei, Taiwan.


2014  M.A.,Department of Fine Arts/National Kaohsiung Normal University/Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2011  B.A., ,Department of Visual Arts /University of Taipei/Taipei , Taiwan

Solo Exhibitions

2013   【Turn it on: Scavengers】/ In public / Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2013   【Turn it on: Scavengers】/ Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo / Hsinchu, Taiwan

Group Exhibitions
2014   【REPERCUSSION】/golden thread gallery  / Belfast, Northern Ireland
【Super Nova】/ Galerie f&f  / Taipei, Taiwan
【Free Taipei Fair】/ Huashan1914  / Taipei, Taiwan
【About You & Me: Artists Keep Boiling — Cross-strait Exhibition Of Young Artists】/ 116
Art Center /Kaohsiung,Taiwan
【YES, TAIWAN – 2014 Taiwan Biennial】/ National Taiwan Museum of Fine  Arts /
Taichung, Taiwan
【The Production of Artists: the Technologies of Young Artists from Kaohsiung】/116 Art                     Center/Kaohsiung,TaiwanCenter/Kaohsiung,Taiwan
【2014 Kaohsiung Arts Awards】/ Kaohsiung Museum Of Fine Arts / Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2013   【Ko-She】/ Art Site of Chiayi Railway Warehouse / Chiayi, Taiwan
【2013 Arising Artist Of New Taipei City】/ New Taipei City Art Center / Taipei, Taiwan
【BaB- A Good For Nothing】/ Sin Pin Pier-Absolutely Art Space/ Kaohsiung, Taiwan
【2013 Art Kaohsiung】/ The Pier-2 Art Center / Kaohsiung, Taiwan
【Post-Poetry: Public Space And Imagination】/ K11 Art Foundation/ Wuhan, China
【2013 Kaohsiung Arts Awards】/ Kaohsiung Museum Of Fine Arts / Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2012   【Pisilian-Enjoy Life】/ Pisilian village / Taitung, Taiwan
【Moving Print】,King-Kuei Art Foundationr / Kaohsiung, Taiwan
【Dian-Dian】/ Yang-Pin Gallery / Kaohsiung, Taiwan


2014  【Taiwan Biennial】/ Selected Awards / National Taiwan Museum Of Fine Arts
【Kaohsiung Arts Awards】/ Selected Awards / Kaohsiung Museum Of Fine Arts
2013  【Arising Artist Of New Taipei City】/ Selected Awards / New Taipei City Art Center
【Kaohsiung Arts Awards】/ Observer  Special Awards / Kaohsiung Museum Of Fine Arts

Wu Shang-Yang

1992  Born in Taipei , Taiwan
2011  Graduated from Taipei Municipal Zhong-zheng Senior High School in Fine Arts program
2013  Used to have internship in Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts
2015  B.F.A , Graduated from Taipei National University of the Arts , Fine Arts department in Drawing & Visual Communication program M.F.A , Currently studying at Taipei National University of the Arts , School of Fine Arts , Artistic composition institute in Multi Media program

Solo Exhibition

2014  《Inbetweening Images》Wu Shang-Yang solo exhibition , eight and one-half art space , Taipei

Group Exhibition

2015  《NO.71》Eighteen people Joint Exhibition , Taipei
2015  《Memo-Blind》Xanadu Hostel Room 305 , Taipei – Kuandu
2015  《Into The Wild》Taipei National University of the Arts 30th Annual Fine Art Graduation Exhibition For Art Major , White abandoned buildings,New Taipei – Mangrove
2015  《New Sound Art》10 University Graduating Students Recommend Exhibition , Dadun Cultural Center , Taichnug
2014  《Result Presentation》Taipei National University of the Arts 28th Annual Fine Art Exhibition For Art Major , Underground Art Museum , Taipei
2013  《N25°13 ‘ 373 ” , E121°47 ‘ 1917 “》Taipei National University of the Arts 27th Annual Fine Art Exhibition For Art Major , Underground Art Museum , Taipei
2013  《Island》Taipei National University of the Arts Annual Fine Art Exhibition For Class 100 , Underground Art Museum , Taipei



